88 Leveson

88 Leveson

Anticipated Completion 2nd Quarter 2025

November 2024

Dear 88 Leveson Purchaser,

We are thrilled to provide you with an exciting update on the progress of the 88 Leveson townhomes. Construction is moving forward smoothly, and we are on track for completion in the second quarter of 2025.

Here are the key activities that have been completed over the last month:

Townhome 1:

  • Structural Steel 90% completed.
  • Lift Shaft 90% completed.
  • Timber framing has commenced.

Townhome 2-14:

  • South Façade rendering has commenced.
  • Hebel party walls panels 95% completed.
  • Stairs to all levels completed.
  • Roof sheeting installation 90% completed.
  • Mechanical rough-in commenced
  • Waterproofing, pod and pavers to roof terraces completed.
  • Planter boxes completed.

Townhome 15:

  • Structural steel completed.
  • Timber framing completed.

We are excited about the progress made and look forward to sharing more updates as construction continues in the new year, with the builders expected to re-commence works on site in the 2nd week of January next year. Please see the latest photos from the construction site.

Kind regards,

The 88 Leveson Design Team
