The Paloma from Apollo Inn


Apollo Inn

18 December 2024

Perfect for summer, the Paloma is a zesty cocktail that combines tequila, fresh citrus, and a splash of soda for a refreshing twist. Bar Manager Lachlan Bentley offers a delicious take.


Serves One

  • 45ml Blanco tequila
  • 7.5ml Campari
  • 30ml grapefruit juice
  • 15ml lime juice
  • 15ml citrus cordial (see below)
  • Soda water or tonic (approx. 250ml)
  • Grapefruit wedge and sea salt to garnish

For the Citrus Cordial

  • 400g caster sugar
  • 100g lime peel
  • 50g lemon peel
  • 50g grapefruit peel (remove as much pith as possible to avoid bitterness)
  • 2 makrut lime leaves (optional)


1. Quarter the lemons and pack them in salt.

2. Place the salted lemons into a vacuum-sealed bag and seal tightly.

3. Store in the fridge for a minimum of two weeks (ideally 4-6 weeks).

4. When ready to use, remove the lemons from the bag, wash them, and separate the flesh and rind.

5. Carefully trim the rind into a thin layer, square it off, and cut into uniform julienne strips.

Prawns (3x per Portion)

To Make the Citrus Cordial:

Combine all cordial ingredients in a large zip lock bag, remove air, and seal tightly. Leave at room temperature overnight to ferment.

The next day, transfer to a jug, add 200ml water, and stir until the sugar dissolves. Strain through a fine sieve and store in the fridge.

To Make the Paloma:

Add tequila, Campari, grapefruit juice, lime juice, and citrus cordial to a cocktail shaker. Add one ice cube and shake vigorously until the ice dissolves.

Pour into a highball glass and top with soda or tonic water.

Garnish with a grapefruit wedge and a pinch of sea salt.

For a non-alcoholic option, top the cordial with soda or tonic.

For more cocktail inspiration, visit

Apollo Inn

165 Flinders Lane, Melbourne